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Cookie Based Single-Signon Authentication

Cookie based single-signon authentication can be used when your users are already logged into another web application like an intranet site, AND that system sets cookies that can be used by Connect Daily.

Here's how it works:

  1. User attempts to access Connect Daily.
  2. Connect Daily constructs a web request to an authentication URL. It passes specified cookies as part of the web request.
  3. A web page at the other end (the authentication URL) examines the request and cookies. If the user is authenticated, it returns the person's user name, full name, and Email address to Connect Daily.
  4. If the user is logged in to the other system they will be automatically logged in.



Before continuing, add at least one administrator level account to Connect Daily that has a user name you will use for cookie login.

Create the file cdaily-3.4.16/WEB-INF/ file. Here's an example to get started:


Complete information about parameters for can be found in the class documentation for AuthProviderCookieSignon. This file can be found in the WEB-INF/misc/security folder.

Create the authentication stub handler to accept the Connect Daily request. There's an example stub application in the WEB-INF/misc/security directory.

Add a line to the cdaily-3.4.16/WEB-INF/ that specifies the Cookie authentication provider:

Restart the Connect Daily application. Authenticate to the source web application then attempt to access Connect Daily.

See Also: Automatically Creating Users

See Also

Authentication Architecture

Implementation Notes on MD5 Authenticator

LDAP/Active Directory Authentication

Configuring Container Authentication

Configuring Windows Integrated Authentication

Automatically Creating Users