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Localizing Headers and Footers, Instructions, and EMail Templates

To localize the instructions and EMail templates, go to the custom, instructions, and templates directory and create a directory named with the two-letter language code you wish to translate to. If you were translating German, you would create a “de” directory in each of the three directories.

Recursively copy all of the files from the en sub-directory of each directory to the newly created directory.

For Windows:

cd custom
mkdir de
cd de
xcopy ..\en\*.* /s /e


cd custom
mkdir de
cd de
cp -a ../en/* .

Once you have created the directory structure for your target language, translate the files within it.

If a translation is not found for a specific file, the system will drop back to English for the file.

Headers, Footers, EMail Templates, and instructions should be saved using UTF-8 encoding.

See Also

Internationalization and Localization

Character Sets

Localizing Screen Captions