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Display calendar in an IFRAME

The section below explains how to insert a calendar in an IFRAME into your web page.

To create the IFRAME code, use the Web Site Integration Wizard. Click on Home | Web Site Integration Wizard.

When you're on step 2, pick one of the bottom two options.

On step 3 of the wizard, copy the HTML for the view you want to display and copy it into your web page.

If you use an IFRAME, search engines will find your calendar content and index it. However, when users click on the search engine link, the calendar will not be in an IFRAME. To force your calendar page to always appear within it's IFRAME, add the following code to your custom footer:

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
if (self.location==top.location)

Replace the URL with the URL to your web site's calendar page.

See Also: Calendar Display Arguments

See Also

IFrame Integration

IFrame Widgets

Auto-Sizing the IFRAME