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Customizing EMail Templates

If desired, you can customize the message templates used by Connect Daily. To do this:

  1. Copy the template you want to customize. Templates are stored in the templates/en directory. Hosted users can use the File Transfer screen to download the files.
  2. Once you've copied the file, customize the message to say what you want.

    The {n} elements are substitutions that Connect Daily will make. The file ItemParams.txt contains the meanings for the Item* templates, and the Notify.txt file contains the meanings for the Notify* templates.
  3. Rename the file to FileName.custom
  4. Upload or copy the new file to the templates/en directory.

So, say you want to customize the ItemAdd message template. Copy or download the file templates/en/ItemAdd. edit the file, and rename it to ItemAdd.custom. Finally, upload the renamed file to the templates/en directory.

See Also

EMail Notifications and Reminders

Creating Event Reminders

Creating Notification Requests