A Notification Request is a way of setting up the system so that when events that you are interested in are added to the calendar, you will automatically receive an EMail message. When you create a Request, each new event added to the calendar is tested against the Request, and if it is a match, then you will receive an EMail Notification about the new event. You can search for specific key words, or for specific key words matching a set criteria (see Keywords and Specific Set below) . You can have as many notification requests as you would like.
Click Add Notification Request at the bottom of the Notification Request list to create a new request.
To prevent multiple Notifications of an edit, a 1 hour delay will elapse between the time an event is approved, and the time that Notification messages will be sent.
Name - This is the name you want to assign to the Notification Request.
Search Fields - Lets you control the searching. Options are:
Title Field - Only the event title is searched.
All Fields - The title, long description, contact name, and contact info, and custom fields will be searched.
Require - This option controls key word matching. Options are:
All Key Words - All key words specified must be present for a match.
Any Key Words - If any key word is found on the event, it will be a match.
Search Text - These are the key words to search events for. The key word searching is case insensitive.
Notification Request Type - You can create two types of Notification Requests:
Key Words Only - This type of request will look at every event added, and if a key word match is found, you will receive a Notification. To match all added events, no key words are necessary.
Key Words and Specific Set - This type of request will look at events added that match an additional criteria. For example, you can match events that use specific resources, or events that are specific event types. Set Types include:
Calendars - Event belongs to one of the selected set of Calendars.
Event Types - Event is one of the selected Event Types
Resource Type - Event uses at least one resource of the specified type.
Resources - Event uses one of the selected set of resources
Users - Event is owned by one of the selected set of users.
User Groups - Event is owned by a person who is a member of the selected set of user groups.
If any key words are specified, each event will be checked to see if it contains them. If no key words are specified, then any event added will be a match if they match the set.
Notify Others - If you have the permission to create Notification Requests for others, you can add other Connect Daily Users and Groups to this request so that they will receive the Notification message as well.
Additional EMail Recipients - If you have permission to notify others, you can put in any EMail address you want to receive a copy of the notification.