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General Fields

Item Style - Selects the Item Style to control the appearance of this specific event. See Item Style Setup

Approved - Displays whether the event is approved or not. If your system isn't configured to use approvals, you won't see this field. For information on Event Approval, refer to Approving Items.

Event Type - Choose the event's type. This can be used to permit viewing or searching events by type.

Privacy - Controls whether other people can see this event or if the event is displayed when it is included as part of other calendars.

Contact Name and Info - You can put in the name and EMail address or phone number of the event organizer here.

Addl. Info URL - If you include an additional information URL, a link will appear on the Event Detail popup window.

Starting Date and Time - This is the starting date and time of the event. For Recurring Events, this is the date and time of the event's first occurrence. If the event recurs and spans more than one day, use the Duration field on the Recurrence tab to set the duration.

End Date and Time - This is the end date and time of the event. For Recurring Events, this is the date of the last occurrence of the event.

Time Zone - If time zone support is enabled, it indicates the time zone for the event.

See Also

Creating and Editing Calendar Events

Description Field

Recurrence Fields



Change Comments

Approving Events

Occurrence or Series Dialog

Event Delete Confirmation Dialog