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RSS Import

Using the RSS Import feature, you can import data from RSS feeds into your Connect Daily web calendar. Connect Daily supports RSS 0.9x, 1.0, and 2.0 formats.

To access the RSS import screen, from the menu select View | Import | RSS Import.

To get started, specify the Calendar the events should be imported to, and the defaults for Event Type, Contact Name, Contact Info, and Addl. Info URL. You can specify defaults for other fields, including custom fields by entering the fieldname/value pairs, one per line, in the Other Fields text box.

The Default Event Duration is the default time span that events should last. If your RSS source doesn't have an event time end, this value will be used.

Once you've filled in the basics, click on the Next button.

Page two of the import allows you to associate the information in the RSS feed to the right fields in Connect Daily. At minimum, you must map the Title and Event Start fields. If you don't map the Item Globally Unique ID field, events will be duplicated each time you run the import.

The mapping fields will be blank if there are no events in the feed.

Event Dates can be in the following formats:

Once you've completed the field mapping, click on the Finish button.

See Also: Periodic Event Import

See Also

Importing Data

CSV Import Wizard

Import iCal Events

Periodic Event Import
