Import iCal Events
Description of iCal
iCal is a text file format designed for publishing calendar information. For information about the iCal format, refer to RFC-5545 Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar). Many programs allow you to subscribe to remote calendars and have them appear transparently with the rest of your schedule.
The RFC for iCal is available from:
To access this form, from the menu choose VIEW | IMPORT | IMPORT ICAL FILE and follow the steps below:
- Copy and paste the URL to the calendar file into the URL box
Use the BROWSE button to browse for a local file. - Select the calendar the events go into using the dropdown.
- Select the defaults for Event type, Contact Name, Contact Info, Addl. Info URL.
If an event is imported, and that event does not have an assigned category, then this event type is used. If the event has assigned categories that do not exist in Connect Daily, the categories will be automatically added.
For Contact Name, Contact Info, and Addl. Info URL, if those values are not present, use these as the default. You can use the Other Fields block to specify additional defaults for standard or custom fields. Enter the defaults in FieldName:Value pair format, one entry per line. - Import Event Times - Some iCal files have times on the events, even though they are actually all-day, untimed events. Uncheck this option to discard the event times.
- Use Privacy Class - If this option is checked, then any events marked as private will be imported as private.
- Click on the Import button.
If all goes well, you will get a message indicating how many Items were imported. Any Events not imported will be displayed. If you have many events, you can EMail the URL or file to technical support and we can take a look at it.
- After you do this the first time you may need to use the Repair security screen to set the security for any added Event Types.
- Once an event is imported into a calendar, it stays associated with that calendar even if you rerun the import with a different calendar selected.
- If the source file contains non-standard properties in the format X-NAME, then Connect Daily will look for a custom field NAME and if found, set that field with the value.
See Also: Periodic Event Import